3D Tool Prototypes (2015, 2016)
In 2015 and 2016 I spent some time prototyping novel tools for 3D modelling. These tools shared philosophies around play, constraints and creativity that were becoming more and more common in my work at the time. Each prototype was designed with a different input type in mind - touch, virtual reality, and mouse input. The VR prototype was a particularly satisfying experiment in UX design constraints. Input on the google cardboard platform is limited to just one button - this limitation freed me to design a system that allows the user to construct in 3D space with only this button and the rotation of their head for input. See the videos below for demonstrations and discussions of the design thinking that went into these prototypes.
VR Construction Tool
Desktop Construction Tool
Work In Progress designs for the touch version of the approachable 3d modelling tool.
I built the prototype game below using only models exported from my approachable 3D construction tool.